jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007
Analysing the coursework
The most successful writing for this assignment often draws on personal experiences or interests. If you have experienced something unusual, have lived somewhere amazing or feel very strongly about a particular issue, then write about it.
A persuasive article about a topical issue
An account of a holiday
A personal reflection on the experience of living in more than one culture
An informative article about a sport or hobby
In your groups read through your article and complete the following tasks:
1 What is the topic of this article?
2 Who is the audience?
3 What is the purpose of this piece of writing?
4 Where would it appear?
5 Comment on the structure of this essay. Explain your ideas with reference to the article.
6 Comment on the language and style. Explain your ideas with reference to the article.
7 Using your mark scheme, which band does it belong to? Explain your ideas.
8 Re –wind time and imagine you are going to write this essay. Write out an essay plan for this essay that would exist before the essay.
Analysing the Articles
The most successful writing for this assignment often draws on personal experiences or interests. If you have experienced something unusual, have lived somewhere amazing or feel very strongly about a particular issue, then write about it.
A persuasive article about a topical issue
An account of a holiday
A personal reflection on the experience of living in more than one culture
An informative article about a sport or hobby
In your groups read through your article and complete the following tasks:
1 What is the topic of this article?
2 Who is the audience?
3 What is the purpose of this piece of writing?
4 Where would it appear?
5 Comment on the structure of this essay. Explain your ideas with reference to the article.
6 Comment on the language and style. Explain your ideas with reference to the article.
7 Using your mark scheme, which band does it belong to? Explain your ideas.
8 Re –wind time and imagine you are going to write this essay. Write out an essay plan for this essay that would exist before the essay.
The IGCSE Course outlined! Show this to your parents!
Coursework is 50% of the assessment
The aims of the English Language IGCSE are to enable you to:
Communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively
Understand and respond appropriately to what you hear, read or experience
Enjoy and appreciate variety of language
Develop general skills, which will help in other areas of study (e.g. analysis)
Develop understanding of yourselves and others
The Extended Examination
This is a 2 hour exam.
There are 2 passages linked by theme to read.
There are 3 questions, which might be subdivided, to answer.
The exam counts for 50% of your overall mark.
You submit three word-processed assignments, each of about 800 words.
Coursework counts for 50% of your overall mark.
Extended Examination in detail
Passage A, of approximately 600 words, is followed by Questions 1 and 2:
Question 1 (20 marks)
This question tests your reading skills. You are asked to respond to the first passage. You need to show that you have understood both explicit and implicit meanings and attitudes in the passage and that you are able to select and evaluate information from the passage for a particular purpose.
15 marks are awarded for reading skills and 5 marks are awarded for writing skills.
Question 2 (10 marks)
This question asks you to comment on how the writer of the first passage has used language to achieve particular effects. You need to select words and phrases of significance from the passage and comment in detail on the effects of their effects.
Passage B, of approximately 600 words, linked by theme to passage A, is followed by Question 3:
Question 3 (20 marks)
This question asks you to write a summary based on both passages A and B. You need to show your ability to select, and organise what is relevant to the specific summary task.
15 marks are awarded for the content of your summary and 5 marks are awarded for your writing skills
You need to make sure you spend approximately 15 minutes reading the passages and planning your answers.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE IGCSE: Coursework in detail
Coursework now comprises 50% of the overall English IGCSE marks and so you must make sure you do yourself full justice in the work you produce. This is your opportunity to show that you can:
write accurately and fluently using varied sentence structures and vocabulary
structure your work effectively
write with a sense of audience and entertain your readers
argue convincingly using appropriate supporting information and persuasive language
reflect upon experience and be thoughtful in your accounts of what is felt and imagined
(the above bullet points are based on the A grade coursework criteria)
Although you need to check the suitability of chosen topics and tasks with your teacher you have a great deal of choice in selecting what to write about. You will produce your best work when writing enthusiastically about something you care about so choose topics carefully. Your coursework will be completed in class and at home using your laptops. Planning and redrafting are important stages of the process, which you can involve friends and family in. Discuss ideas, share memories, ask friends to read your work and comment. You must include a first draft for one of the 3 assignments in your final coursework folder.
Assignment :1 Informative, analytical and/or argumentative
The most successful writing for this assignment often draws on personal experiences or interests. If you have experienced something unusual, have lived somewhere amazing or feel very strongly about a particular issue, then write about it.
A persuasive article about a topical issue
An account of a holiday
A personal reflection on the experience of living in more than one culture
An informative article about a sport or hobby
Assignment 2: Imaginative, descriptive and/or narrative
You are not expected to write a complete story for this coursework assignment as writing a successful story in just 800 words is very difficult. You could write the opening or closing section of a story, or portray a character or setting.
A narrative opening in which a character is introduced.
A description of a setting, which conveys atmosphere and introduces themes.
An autobiographical piece e.g. description of a childhood experience conveying emotion and atmosphere.
Assignment 3: A response to a text containing facts, opinions and arguments, such as an article or speech.
Your written response should select, analyse and evaluate points from the stimulus material. An additional 10 marks are awarded for the reading skills demonstrated in this assignment.
A letter responding to a persuasive newspaper article
An article responding to a political speech
A letter responding to a campaign leaflet
REMEMBER: Coursework =50% so set yourself high standards and produce excellent work!
Assignment 3 - Response to a text containing facts, opinions and arguments
Your written response should select, analyse and evaluate points from the stimulus material. An additional 10 marks are awarded for the reading skills demonstrated in this assignment.
A letter responding to a persuasive newspaper article
An article responding to a political speech
A letter responding to a campaign leaflet
Scratch - a sample descriptive story
- Creative Writing -
A scrape of wood against cardboard box and a sudden burst of light. The hand quivers slightly, surprised by the unexpected brightness then drops the match into a water glass, already littered by dead burnt ends. Then another scrape, another burst of light, another silent drop into darkness… Another, then another, and then another… Monotonous. Repetitive. Rhythmic. An endless routine. Scratch. Light. Darkness.
Outside the dark, blurred windowpanes, twisted and knurled trees distort themselves in the wind like the screaming people, an occasional flicker of light reflected off black, skin-like bark. The sky, threateningly black, swallows its landscape whole and refuses to spit it out. All sound is lost in the vacuum of hell.
A teardrop of fire coils into a face, the bluish tint near the ensnarled tip of black etches into features of horror, screaming, begging and then gone as it tumbles into the depths of the dark water below. Soon another face appears; so near the fingers… Recognition dawns… Was that not? But before any answer becomes clear, the light goes out, the face falls, darkness returns.
Bloodstains against the flesh have still not disappeared. Dark they’ve become, so like the gloomy obscurity that suffocates the evening. Red bleeds as the pride suffers and dies, white lies like bleached and parched skin purged of all dreams of hope and blackness clouds the heart that lies crucified on a hard broken cross.
A shadowy oblivion, a treacherous memory, a deadly fear, the last pleas for life, over? The features of a woman distorted and warped in the flame, the look of a tear-stricken child numb with fear, the flow of red seeping down the black beard of one man. So many of them, smeared into one: the undying enemy.
Yellow inferno draws closer and closer each time, the wooden stick shorter and shorter, the lapse in time greater and greater before the sinister gloom returns.
The clang of doors, the whistles of officers, the shrieks of women and children being pulled apart, the occasional shot in the air, and the parting of the crowd as one more collapses. Again and Again. Over and Over.
Time is growing short now. Memories are growing stronger. Regret? Not possible. Another match, another rupture of light, another shattering darkness. How long now? An hour or more? How long then? A year or more? How many faces, how many pleas, how many lives had he ignored? One smudge. One enemy. The devil and his advocates. He was right. They were wrong.
Stronger gusts of winds against the glass panes push and shove, threaten and consol both at once. A small fiend at the end of the wood derides and ridicules. A bloody hand reaches out, and holds tight. Whispered prayers of help? One blast. The hand falls short. Dusk and blood mingle in the air. Silence returns.
Obscurity falls short of doom itself. Voices of torment mingle around one’s head, suffocating, strangling, shocking, torturing… The unbreakable sound of ones boot against the pavement, the barked orders to lie down, and the haphazard shots fired into random people’s skulls, painting a picture of small rivers pouring from waterfalls of demise into one massive ocean of anguish.
Rats scuttles about the mangled bodies, feasting on the flesh of all evil. Bones, stretched skin, dried blood. Wood, scratch, flame.
Piles upon piles lay stacked in holes, as piles upon piles of records lie stacked below his feet. The red flag with the black bent cross would forever fly. One was meant to believe, without question. They were evil. They wanted our downfall. They wanted to destroy all we had worked so hard for. They wanted the destruction of our pride. They had to be gotten rid of. Gas, flames, guns… Who cared? Get rid of them before they get rid of us. But that was over now. Records remained still. We were meant to forget that it had happened. Destroy all evidence. They were winning. We had waited too long. Destruction was at hand.
Papers, papers… Names, birth dates, pictures, fingerprints, weights, heights…Yellow tint, yellow flame… red blood, red flag… A voice, few cries, several screams….
Young and old gathered orderly… a burst of light in the hand… to the melting pot as they called it… Showers… only to bathe? Do they sense our lying smiles? In they go… of course its only water… Yes they’ll see the day again we say…if only they hurry up… but the day will be saturated with agony.
They knew… but we don’t care. So many… can’t they just disappear? Why keep coming, why keep fighting?
They were like us. They fought for their beliefs; we fought for ours. We seek to destroy them; they seek to destroy us. It was they or we. We had no choice. They were the enemy… But then you felt them grab your arm… a tear-drenched woman… she pleads; she begs… does she sense your weakness? You try to pull away… her skeleton hands won’t let go. You shout, she prays… She knows you’re about to crack… You pull out your gun; swiftly point it at her forehead….
Those eyes…
The bang, the fall, the vanishing of life in those eyes… it’s over. Yet they still stare at you.
A foot kicks. A harsh snicker. Well done.
Get rid of the evidence. Get rid of the memory. Stop letting them fall aimlessly… put them to use before the end. Stacks upon stacks… flashes of light… dropped…and then the devouring light spreads, smoke rising almost immediately, blinding… It’s almost over.
Orange glows all around.
One match left… one last unburnt end… One last reminder…
Get rid of it… purge yourself… You can forget… you can go on living. They were wrong.
But the hand can’t light it.
One stick.
A Judgement of Solomon - A creative piece
My arms surround the tiny bundle, enveloping her. I am crouched over her, we are eye to eye, and I can see how my breath ruffles her eyelashes. I study her face carefully, committing every feature to memory. The sparse light that trickles through the gaps in the wall glints off her hair. So little hair – fair and so thin that it barely covers the blue-veined scalp. Her mouth lies open, toothless and pink. The lips, parted now, their soft skin delicate against my coarse hands supporting her. Her skin, downy and translucent, glows, ethereal in the gloom. The pink blanket wrapped tightly around her warms my hands, frozen in the icy coldness of the room.
In the shadows I can make out the whites of Sara’s eyes as she stares up at me with passive incredulity. She and Johan huddle together in a corner, her arm around his shoulders, giving him all the protection a twelve year old can. None of us move. I am paralysed by the freezing blood thumping rhythmically through me, reminding me at every beat of what I am holding in my arms. Sara shuffles slightly and there is a sudden noise outside. Terror takes hold of me and I am unable to breathe. Johan’s eyes widen and I grip tightly, grasping the fragile infant in my desperate, twisting fingers. A metrical tread sounds, the boots stamping out a tattoo on the floor. I am scarcely breathing, my mouth as dry and airless as the tiny bundle against my heart. With my other hand I grasp Johan, only nine years old, his eyes are squeezed shut against the faceless danger. My fingers trace the line of the rough yellow pattern sewn onto the rough cloth of his jacket. He and Sara know better than to stir: the slightest sound means the end for us.
For an eternity we stay, motionless and hushed, figures frozen in a grotesque sculpture. I feel sweat pearling into droplets, gliding down my backbone, pooling above my skirt. Sara is crying, silently, desperately. Her stare screams up at me, silently accusing. I look, but the only eyes I see now lie lifeless beneath blankets in my arms.
There, in the darkness and stench, I remember the anguish of watching my baby grow gradually thinner, her skin become yellow and the china-thin bones stretch at the surface, threatening to break through. I had no more milk, yet she would suck desperately at my empty breast, clutching at me with her hands, unable to comprehend. At night, her reedy voice would pierce through the building. Never had I imagined such a tiny, frail body could make so much noise. I remember the miniscule fingers grasping at me, my face, my body, my hair, twisting in my hair until it snared and broke. Her pink mouth open, eyes all but invisible as she stormed out her fear, her cold, her hunger, her rage.
Awkwardly, my hands aching from cramp and cold, I unwind my hair from her stiff little fingers. It snags, a last rebellion. As the last of the footsteps fades outside I lay the corpse at my feet, giving it one last look before I turn, with an arm around each of my children, and open the door.
Morning - a descriptive story
It happened by chance because they were outside the window. They were in the hedge, nestled like purple jewels in their thorny bed. Juicy black secrets hanging off the branches, wet with moisture and dew from the English rain that had just fallen. The sky was dingy and grey, but the rain had awakened the world, so that every smell was tangible in the thick, wet air. Dung from the farm was mixing with the sodden damp smell of freshly cut grass, the mud of the ditches tingeing the musty aroma of the Somerset field. The red brick tang of Emma’s house grated our noses; making us blink each time we took a breath. Yellow were the windows that warmed our thoughts; black were the gloves that were damp, sticking to our hands with blackberry pips. Purple rivers ran down our wrists before black clusters found their way to the wicker basket usually used for carrying hens’ eggs.
We had to empty the berries out of the wicker basket because of the hens’ eggs that needed to go in it. Emma’s mum gave us some Tupperware boxes: they were cold and made out of rough plastic with a lid that had a little button at the top. Emma said that you knew it was closed properly when the button couldn’t be pressed anymore. I never did work out if I had got it closed. But I didn’t say anything to Emma because she might have thought I was arguing with her and she was my best friend. Emma’s room was up the stairs, turn left, second door to the right. The oak door had a panel with “Emmeline” written on it. I always wondered if it was because she might forget where her room was. I didn’t think she would but I always kept the directions in my mind just in case.
Becky was Emma’s sister and she was really thin, spindly and white. She was older, and at a posh school. Her hair was a mass of orange threads like Emma’s but her face was whiter; and her freckles small flecks of spiced red that dotted her face like bloodspots on bleached linen. My mum used to talk about her sometimes at our house and there was a word that was specially for her and it was called Leukaemia. She had an inhaler and some tablets that she took with orange juice. The inhaler was a long purple bottle and it looked like the big water pistol that I had wanted so much in the toyshop for a whole 20 pounds. But the inhaler wasn’t a toy, Emma told me, her hair covering her face while she looked for the friendship bracelet box of coloured beads, silvery threads, and large dull needles, the ones that we spent over half an hour with trying to get the thread through the eye, outside in the garden.
I knew that Becky took tablets every day because I stayed over at Emma’s a lot when we were doing our ballet exam. My mum always used to say that Emma was better at ballet than me because she was lanky and she let herself go. I didn’t like being near Emma in ballet class because I always felt stupid and I could feel the eyes of the teacher boring into my back because I was wobbling. I don’t know why she did it because it always made me wobble more.
The smooth wooden parquet of the ballet hall smelt of chalk and resin, and the grain went one way so that we didn’t scuff our ballet shoes. Emma’s ballet shoes were always muddy because of her farm. I really did like that farm, with the hedges and the red bricks, the cows giving birth, the sun hot on our necks as we played in the crops on the field, the strong smell we always savoured by the horses, placing our smooth hands on their rough coats, counting how many hands they were. Emma’s big strong dad was six foot four with large shoulders and huge rubber boots that came up to his knees. He would whip the russet hair out of his face and lift me up so I could continue counting, lifting me clear of the long green grass that whispered around my knees, softly chanting the sweet song of summer. The blue sky mirrored his crinkly periwinkle eyes that danced when he smiled. He was a beacon of gentle power against the backdrop of his working farm.
One day my mum told me that one of the cows had accidentally kicked Emma’s dad in one of those kind blue eyes. Emma didn’t come to school the next day. When I went to her house she was quiet. The sun was piercing through the windows and the birds were singing their high-pitched melodies from far away in the trees. Emma would usually have been able to tell me the bird names but she didn’t that day. When my mum came to pick me up she said goodbye solemnly and I was abandoned, listening to our mums talking in hushed voices. She had closed the big oak door on me. Left me staring at the golden lion knocker on the worn wooden panels.
Alone in that bright, pure morning.
Assignment 2 - Imaginative,descriptive and/or narrative
You are not expected to write a complete story for this coursework assignment as writing a successful story in just 800 words is very difficult. You could write the opening or closing section of a story, or portray a character or setting.
A narrative opening in which a character is introduced.
A description of a setting, which conveys atmosphere and introduces themes.
An autobiographical piece e.g. description of a childhood experience conveying emotion and atmosphere.
An Argument Essay for Assignment 1 - informative,analytical and/or argumentative
Capital Punishment is Barbaric and Immoral
Capital Punishment has been around since the beginning of history. It has been used as a form of punishment for people who have committed murder, rape, or serious crimes “against humanity”. It has been used for so long that many people have come to accept it as a normal and justifiable practice. Many people also believe that capital punishment is a deterrent to violent crime and an acceptable method of obtaining vengeance. Yet it is far from acceptable. Strapping a human beings to an electric chair and cooking them, placing a living person in a gas chamber to suffocate, breaking a person’s neck by hanging at the end of a rope, or blindfolding and then shooting 19 year old boy soldiers by firing squad are not normal, nor are they justified. The government has no right to kill. The proverb: “an eye for an eye” is usually the justification used for this kind of killing. That sounds simple, but it is not. It is difficult when we must decide who should die and how they should die. Capital punishment is almost never administered fairly and many, many innocent people have been executed, as a result of poor representation, faulty evidence, and simple bias. Many condemned prisoners suffer greatly before they die, a result of long prison time and faulty techniques or methods of execution. The decision to execute or not to execute is usually determined by the convicted person’s ability to pay for a good lawyer. The decision to execute usually applies if the convicted come from the wrong place, the wrong religion, or the wrong ethnic group.
The European Union opposes the death penalty in all cases. It considers that “the abolition of the death penalty contributes to the enhancement of human dignity and progressive development of human rights”. On the other hand, there are two so called “civilized” countries that consider themselves progressive which have the death penalty: Japan and the United States. Of the 50 individual states within the United States, 37 actively enforce the death penalty. The danger of convicting and killing an innocent man or woman with the death penalty plagues the death row system in these states, and is one of the most compelling arguments against the death penalty today. There are over 75 documented cases of wrongful convictions of murder in the last 100 years in the United States of America. “Pardons” which were issued after the fact to these 75 documented cases are worthless. Pardons can’t bring back those killed; the state can’t bring them back to life. Between 1973 and 2003, there were at least 107 death row inmates in 25 different states, who have been found to be innocent and released at the last minute. Of these 107 found innocent, 1/3 of them had been in jail for at least 7 years. What if they had been killed? There is no second chance if a mistake is made when death is the punishment, just more grim statistics. Many supporters of the death penalty believe that these numbers are a very small percentage of miscarried justices, and many believe that it is a sacrifice our society needs to make in order to carry out the law. Better to have a few innocent die, than let murderers live. How can one claim that this is a justified sacrifice? All lives should be valued, and if our justice system were fair, no innocent lives should have to be sacrificed. As former Governor Ryan (of Illinois) said on the 11th of January, 2003 before commuting the capital sentences of all death row inmates (164 people) to life in prison without parole: “If we have had so many instances where we have not convicted the right person, how can any of us be sure that our death penalty sentencing process is any better?” Just a month before this governor made this speech, four men previously convicted of murder were released because they were innocent of charges. After being on death row for 17 years, Anthony Porter, in the late 1990’s, was found innocent because of research done by law students working with their professor and a private investigator.
The 8th Amendment of the U.S. constitution condemns “cruel and unusual punishment”. Does this amendment not apply here? When the state condemns someone to death row, and carries out the death penalty, the state is lowered to the level of the murderers. If killing is wrong, then when the state executes someone it is also committing a wrong. Execution is hypocritical. The state has no right to play God when it decides who should live or die. One of the 10 commandments of the Christian faith says: ”Thou shall not kill”. This must apply to a justice system, which claims to base its laws on Christian precepts. This must apply if we are to live in a true, fair, society. Many people do argue that the state is an exception, and that it has to the right, and power, to judge without being judged itself. Why should the state be an exception? The state should be a role model not an exception, not a killing machine. It should not use death to punish any crime. As George H. Ryan said: “There is no honourable way to kill”, and State is not being honourable when killing. The methods of execution used in the United States are not only immoral, but also very barbaric, yet the United States is viewed as one of the most civilized countries and is an outspoken critic of other countries for their lack of human rights. The legalized methods kill in the USA vary from state to state. These methods include lethal injection, electrocution via the electric chair, firing squad, hanging, and in a few states, the gas chambers. In some cases, the death can be long and painful; with the electric chair, there have been many cases where the victim caught fire, and burned to death. Four men claimed to have been tortured by police into giving confessions under the direction of the, then, Chicago Police Commander, Jon Burge. When investigations followed, evidence was found to prove physical abuse had been used to get confessions out of the suspects.jj
The death penalty goes strongly against the moral principles in our society. Two wrongs do not make a right, and the end does not justify the means, are taught to our young children from a very early age. The State killing a man because he murdered someone is unfair, and does not bring the person murdered back to life. This system is a way of revenge for those who have lost a loved one. It is true that the act of murder is not moral, and many believe that morality should not be a part of the punishment, since the murderer sacrificed morals when he killed. The result of saying that morality should not be considered will lead us anarchy. Lack of morality will eventually become chaos. As Gandhi said: “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.”
The U.S. Justice systems are far from fair. The Supreme Court Justice Potter Steward said: “The imposition of the death penalty on defendants in the United States is as freakish and arbitrary as who gets hit by a bolt of lightening.” The death penalty is not enforced evenly throughout the states, which have it. People that are less privileged economically or socially are more likely to die since they are not able to defend themselves as well. The quality of legal representation is the main factor, which will decide whether or not someone will be sentenced to death or not. Whether or not someone will die in most cases depends on whether or not that person can hire a lawyer. Almost all people on the death row were unable to afford to hire a qualified attorney. In many cases, government-appointed attorneys have actually fallen asleep during the trial. Another huge factor, which affects the death sentence, is where the person is tried. In some cases it is more of a factor than the actual circumstance of the crime. Of the 71 people executed in 13 states (in the U.S.A) in 2002, 33 of them were in Texas, while only 1 was executed in the state of California. There have been many cases of withheld evidence, and lack of DNA testing, but still the accused is sentenced to death. Race also plays a great part in the determining of whether the accused will die. In the United States, 81% of death sentences involve white victims. One hundred and seventy-eight black people have been executed for killing a white person, whereas only 12 white people have been executed for killing a black person. Forty-three percent of all death row inmates are black, even though African Americans only constitute for 12% of the US population. Around 358 Hispanic inmates account for 11% of the inmates with a known ethnicity.
Proponents of capital punishment claim that it lowers crime rates, saves lives of innocent people, and that it is a deterrent to would-be murderers. However, there is strong evidence against this argument. In the United States, in 1957, there were 8,060 murders, and 65 executions. In 1982, there were 22000 murders. The number of murders did not decline as the proponents claimed. This is the same throughout the various states in the U.S. Texas is one of the states with the most murders per year, and yet it is one of the states with the most annual executions. Minnesota, however, is a state with some of the least murders, and it does not have capital punishment. The average murder rate per 100,000 people in U.S. states with capital punishment is around 8, whereas it is only 4.4 in abolitionist states. Also, the higher execution rates actually result in an increase in violent crime, such as was the case in New York, between 1907 and 1964. In the 57 years, 692 executions were carried out, and on average, one or more executions in a given month added to an increase of 2 murders the next month.
Many people deem capital punishment justifiable and acceptable, and in some European countries, like Britain, there are many people who are asking for it to be reinstated. Quotes from the bible are often used to justify their views, such as the famous maxim: “An eye for an eye”. Again, it is better to remember Gandhi’s words “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”. The issue of Capital Punishment remains a difficult issue and one that will always spark sharp debate and opinions among people. However, when looking at the evidence; it is administered arbitrarily and unfairly, it fails to deter crime and improve public safety and it is the ultimate denial of civil liberties.
An Opinion Sample Coursework Essay for Assignment 1 - informative,analytical and/or argumentative
Over two thousand years of war and misery, and man’s hunger for war and bloodshed has not abated. The “great” male leaders in history led their people into war in order to equal their fathers’ glory, prove their manly historical worth or avenge imagined wrongs. On the other hand, the role of women throughout history has been that of nursemaid, widow and frustrated onlooker – seldom a leader.
This goes back to the beginning of time. Men were always the killers, the hunters, and stalkers of prey, while women created places of safety for the family. They built homes, gathered berries and herbs, cooked the food, watched the children, followed the men’s orders and cleaned up the messes.
Now is the time to stop this cycle of bloodshed. New female world leaders need to find their voices. We need women leaders, who can demonstrate a global, nurturing, or motherly, approach to today’s issues. We need women leaders to stand up to the egotistical, power-hungry male leaders of today. These women will not be so quick to send their sons off to war!
Caesar, William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet and Milosovich are all famous male world leaders who engaged in war to expand their power and influence. These men were corrupt, racist, egotistical, murderous, conquering, and barbaric. These men have blood on their hands and are responsible for the deaths of uncountable numbers of men, women and children.
Julius Caesar wished for a vast Roman empire over which he would rule. He killed millions to obtain this empire and he enslaved and tortured many more people to maintain it.
Henry VIII a descendant of many kings also wanted power, wealth, and obedience. He was egotistical and ruthless in getting what he wanted. When the Catholic Church would not grant him a divorce, he made a new church and declared himself head of it, and then got his divorce. He then beheaded or imprisoned all who dared to oppose him and his church.
Wilhelm II, a German Kaiser, a son of a Kaiser, also had a need to demonstrate “the image of a Kaiser”. History credits him for being instrumental in starting World War 1.
Hitler had wanted to be an artist, but failed. He hated his father, was abused as a child, and his mother had died when he was a young boy. He had many grudges and he blamed others for his failures. He needed to prove his worth to the world and seek vengeance for the “wrongs” he had suffered. He led Germany into the Second World War and sought vengeance by exterminating millions of people in concentration camps.
Now we have Bush, a son of a Bush, who is obsessed with finishing his father’s bloody business.
Male leaders use war to achieve their goals. Wars serve their purpose: the enhancement of their personal glorification, greed and power.
Women had been the minority voice in world governments, even after they got the right to vote. In parliamentary systems, and the United States Congress, the majority of politicians elected are men. Women haven’t been given the chance to show their true leadership capabilities. Unfortunately, many women in government positions emulate their male counterparts in behaviour and language. They must do this to gain acceptance and credibility with their male peers. It is the price they pay for having limited power. Yet there have been a few who have dared to speak up and show their strengths. Golda Meir, Jeannette Ranklin, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Josephine Butler, Clara Barton, Eleanor Roosevelt are women who have dared to lead by peaceful means and stand up for what they believe.
Clara Barton was the founder of the Red Cross during the American Civil War. She witnessed the terrible conditions the wounded soldiers had to endure during the war. She didn’t care on what side the soldiers fought, her mission was to tend the wounded. She organized a network of contributors to purchase food and supplies. She obtained permission, after a lot of persuasion, to pass through battle lines to tend all the wounded. It was because of her dedication, courage and humanitarism that the number of deaths from infection and neglect decreased. Without her, more soldiers would have died, since the male leaders were too busy with other, more “important” matters than the lives of their own people.
Jeanette Ranklin was the first woman elected to the US Congress. She was elected in 1917, three years before women were actually guaranteed the Constitutional right to vote. Over 20 years later, she was elected to the House of Representatives on a peace platform, and was the only member to vote “no” to the U.S. entering the Second World War. After her vote, she was forced to seek safety in a nearby phone booth from the angry crowds of men until the police could escort her home.
A few months ago, 25 Congresswomen in the US House of Representatives walked out-and refused to participate in the vote which would have given Bush war powers against Iraq. They then took up residence on the White House lawn.
We need more women like these, as war looms ever closer, to have the courage to stand up and say “Stop!” before it is too late. Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain once said: “In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman”. Women are born multi-taskers and negotiators. We are taught as small children not to hit or fight but to “work out our differences”. Men are taught as small boys to be aggressive, to fight back and dominate. We women need to unite against the leadership of war-hungry men. History has shown us that men are leading us to destruction and death. The stakes have now become too great. It is time to try a new alternative - Female World Leadership.
Opinion Article - Sample Essay for Coursework for Assignment One
…Oh no you don’t, argues Grace Brodie
This is the message that hundreds of teen magazines are planting in the heads of us young girls the world over, particularly in the run up to summer, when the interviews with the lean, long limbed, slim and slinky celebrities are usually twinned with a stunning picture of them posing in a two piece. It just doesn’t send out the right message or boost a girl’s self-esteem in the slightest. While society is enforcing the point that you can’t be fat and beautiful at the same time, it is also becoming more and more worried at the alarming raise in eating disorders in young women.
A shocking amount of girls are now dying to be thin and there is not enough being done to prevent it. Unfortunately there are far too many of us out there depriving our bodies of essential nutritious food, and driving ourselves to starvation, anorexia or bulimia in the desire to resemble air brushed pictures of perfection. The media feeds us with ridiculous images on a daily basis; in the papers, magazines and on the television.
What many of us find hard to believe and understand is that these wonderful pictures of size eight stunners are more often than not, touched up, tummy tucked, and toned with the trusty airbrush. They hide the models’ natural figures. It is not reality. The pictures are forcing teenagers to drive themselves to a thinness that isn’t even possible to be healthy with. Once this fact has been proven to us, that models do have cellulite, and don’t have such tiny hips, it is warmly reassuring. Feeling good about ourselves is very important at our age and being known as “the fatty in year 11” is not exactly going to help us ooze confidence. There are some people out there who do find it amusing to give a girl a hard time because of her weight, but what it all boils down to, is lack of self confidence. They’re only picking on you because they want to shift the spotlight of fault onto anyone else but themselves. Rise above it.
Teenagers hate to be considered as the odd one out. If you come across a teenage girl, who is happy with herself, but finds that the lads are laughing at her and not interested in her, she will end up feeling as if there’s something wrong with herself and become paranoid and self conscious. If all of our friends are trying to loose weight then it is not surprising that we’ll try too. Sometimes girls diet, not because they are unhappy with their weight, but because everyone else is preoccupied about theirs, and they don’t want to seem odd. The sad fact of reality is that most teens you talk to today, stereotypically associate being thin with beauty, fame, fortune and success, but this really is not the case.
What is attractive about a spindly lanky body? Absolutely nothing. Don’t forget J-Lo, Beyoncé and above all Marilyn Monroe, who men still drool over. These three absolutely gorgeous girls have, or had, amazing careers. All three are incredibly successful and all three are idolised by teenage girls and women the world over. They’re all curvy and “bootilicious” as Beyoncé so beautifully put it!
Society and the media do not realise what they are doing. They are worrying about a problem that ironically, they are the creators of! If they seriously thought about the distress caused by daft articles about gorgeous leggy movie stars, discussing their weight problems, perhaps they would not publish them. Why do people who are blatantly not fat, start going on about themselves and their eating disorders? Shut up! It’s ridiculous girls! And what about those advertisements that are obviously slating the rounded population? We don’t have to put up with that! Curvy people are gorgeous and people are starting to realise that. Men are currently finding thin women a lot less attractive and the average size of a UK woman is a fabulous 14. J-Lo has recently been named one of the world’s most attractive women. Big is beautiful girls and don’t let anybody tell you any different!
Sample Coursework Piece for Assignment 1 - informative,analytical and/or argumentative
The Endless Battle Against Dreary Days and Maddening Mornings
Meet Katie, a 15-year-old girl from Surrey. Never mind Tom Cruise, she knows exactly what it’s like to face Mission:Impossible – she does it every morning at 9:00 am, at a desk at school. In fact, school is Mission:Impossible II, Number I has already been tackled. That was just getting to school in the first place. Joining millions of teenagers around the world, her brain struggles to keep her awake, and like millions of teenagers around the world, her eyelids win the battle, she tries not to succumb to the haze of sleep, and the overbearing, frowning teacher is a helpless reminder of the forbidden. Sleep.
Sound familiar? It should do. As a teenager, chances are you’re tired now as you read this, that at least a small part of you would like to go to sleep, fall into the soft bed and the dark peace of slumber. But you can’t. Because it’s the middle of the day, or the morning, and you’ve got to get ready for school, or you’re at school, or you’ve got homework to do. Even if, by some stroke of luck, you didn’t have all that that to do, you still can’t just go to bed whenever you feel like it. Unfortunately.
We’ve all been there. Ever been woken up at the weekend by the sound of your little brother running round the house making brum-brum noises with his toy cars? Jumping around the house whining or screaming? Your mother or father barging into your bedroom to do some inane little job, and telling you relentlessly to move yourself out of bed and do something useful? Well I have. But what is really ironic is that I would love to get up early, feeling alert and refreshed, with the whole day in front of me to do whatever I want, and still have hours left to do my homework at a nice, leisurely pace. But sadly, this is not possible. I, like so many teenagers, have to concentrate for at least half an hour before my muscles get into gear to allow the perilous journey between lying down in bed and sitting up. And even this happens only post-10: 30 am. If, by the time the weekend rolls around, I somehow manage to get up around 9 a.m., my parents lose their appetite in surprise. As lazy as it might seem, this may not just be bad behaviour. Reading this article may arm you with some strong evidence against your parents’ rigorous wake-up calls.
So, prop up a cushion, curl up a duvet, and proceed.
Let’s have a look at what makes you sleepy in the first place. As you might have guessed, sleep-patterns become, according to society, strangely and annoyingly erratic around the teenage years. Due to those oh-so-wonderful hormonal changes in the body, teenagers need more sleep than their parents or younger siblings, and often need many more hours sleeping than their timetable allows. Who hasn’t wished that there were more hours in the day to fit EVERYTHING in at least once in their life?
So, when the sun goes down, the body will eventually start to secrete a substance called “melatonin”, also known as the “darkness hormone”. This is the one that makes you feel sleepy. Studies have shown that the average adult starts to produce melatonin at 10pm. In teenagers, melatonin only starts working at 1am, which means teenagers just don’t feel tired until it’s too late to get enough sleep. With wakeup times in Western Europe being between 6 and 8 on school days, waking up can be hard to do.
It’s important to know how sleep works to really understand it. Don’t fret – not more stuff to learn – it’s easy. Basically, there are 5 stages of sleep. Each stage can be categorised into either “Rapid Eye Movement” or REM, and “Non-Rapid Eye Movement” or NREM. It’s been found that teenagers tend to have more REM than NREM, and this occurs towards the morning. Teenagers also have more REM sleep than other ages. This table explains a bit more about the stages in the Land of Nod.
STAGE ONE Within the first minutes of trying to sleep you’ll be in and out of consciousness fairly quickly, whilst feeling more and more relaxed. Those pesky stress hormones usually start to drop around now.
STAGE TWO This is the first stage of really being asleep. You’re unconscious, digestion processes slow down, and only bright lights or loud noises will wake you.
STAGE THREE This is deep sleep, which can be embarrassing at sleepovers! You know someone’s got to Stage Three when the snoring starts. (Kick them! It’s the only way!) Your heart rate slows and blood pressure drops.
STAGE FOUR You’ll enter Stage Four for about 3 or 4 hours, and sleep deeply. By now, all your organs have started to slow down, and only incredibly loud noises, huge changes in temperature, vigorous moving, or halogen lights will wake you. (PS. Don’t let your family read this!)
STAGE FIVE This is when you enter REM, (Rapid-Eye Movement) so called because you can see someone’s eyes flickering as they dream.
Brain cells fire and blood pressure rises, while the rest of the body concentrates on keeping you virtually paralysed, because we can’t have everyone going around acting out their dreams (not everyone can have a piece of Orlando Bloom pie…grrr…) REM sleep is very deep, and it’s when you dream. That’s why that alarm clock is a pain in the neck…just as you were getting to the good bit!
Late nights blamed on watching the last episode of Friends are all very well, (…but they’re like, so gripping!) and of course, staying up all hours can be avoided with a little effort, but many teenagers still find it impossible to nod off before midnight. The “sleep hormone”, melatonin, can also alter teenage behaviour. Basically, if you keep living to a rhythm of late nights, because of an overload of work, stress, computer games, nights out, TV, magazines, calling friends, or the Internet, your sleep patterns can be permanently altered. This means that even in a rare moment of peace, teenagers can still not get to bed when they want, and, despite muscles feeling completely worn out, cannot drop off until their “normal” time, which is well into the early hours of the morning.
The widely agreed benchmark of 8 hours sleep a night is a good one, but this only really applies to adults of 25 years and over. Teenagers need at least 9 hours 15 minutes of sleep to really feel satisfied upon waking. Despite this, the amount of average hours of sleep for teenagers between 13 and 17 is a mere 6. Lack of sleep isn’t just annoying, as we all know. It’s a constant feeling of dogged weariness, a haze of dull feelings, and an inability to be interested in anything or anyone.
It has been suggested that crucial stages in a teenager’s development occur during the night, including sexual maturation, as well as vital stages in growth. A kind of “recharging battery” action happens in the brain, where memory is consolidated, (so THAT’S why I never remember maths…) and things learned that day are stored in the brain’s millions of “filing cabinets”.
According to statistics, your parents have never placed a high priority on sleep, preferring instead to watch television, work, talk on the phone, or read. They are raising a generation of high-powered, all rounded, hugely busy, openly social, technology-interested and completely exhausted individuals. You. School days are characterised by dreary mornings. A recent survey amongst 15 and 16 year olds in Toulouse, France, proved that teenagers definitely do feel the sleep deprivation, and the lucky few who manage a hour or two more sleep the night before brag to classmates, and are greeted with jealous, sluggish grumbling about how much others wish they had been able to hit the sack as early as 10pm. Instead, Maths coursework prevailed, and a new breed of Neanderthal stayed up, working.
When some schools in the States decided to start later in the day, positive results in work and behaviour proved that this is not simply a myth started by a few sleep-deprived teenagers. More sleep really DOES have an effect. Certainly, it’s better than chronic fatigue. Some symptoms are unbearable.
Depression (a serious illness in itself that cannot just be cured with lots of sleep.)
Anxiety and panic attacks.
Daytime sleepiness and inability to concentrate on important things at school and home.
Moodiness and mood swings.
Inability to cope with anything, from the smallest things like dropping a pencil on the floor, to important, nerve-racking things like exams.
Eventual hypertension
Acceleration of the onset of diabetes, especially in girls.
Obesity and feelings of low-self confidence
Memory loss
Dulling of skin, eyes and hair
Weakening of nails and bones
Drink less coffee and soft drinks like Coke. Caffeine is a stimulant and doesn’t help.
Drink less fluid (e.g. water, orange juice) before hitting the sack.
Don’t smoke. Other than the other obvious reasons for avoiding this habit, sleep can be hugely affected.
Exercise regularly, preferably in the early afternoon. Obviously if you can’t do this, after school is great too.
Try to have some relaxing “you” time at least once a week. A bath or reading a good book are options.
Try to get to bed by 11 pm each night, and try as much as possible to arrange your time appropriately.
Follow this guide and hopefully mornings will be more about feeling refreshed and able, and less about feeling tired and weary. Admit it; you’d love to feel great.
Sample Coursework Essay for Assignment 1 - informative,analytical and/or argumentative
By Katie Berry
Surely the thing valued most by students of today is an education? Each individual treasures their own unique experience, knowing there will never again be an opportunity to discover so many essentials. Our professors are oracles providing the fountain of all knowledge. Or am I exaggerating just a little?
Who in their right mind would invent school? The student population will forever wonder why such a person was permitted to survive! But our idea of ‘school’ slowly evolved over time to what it is now. The original and admirable purpose of it was to share awareness of worldly matters with less informed persons in some sort of small meeting place. Slowly age groups were formed, and a schedule was made. ‘You must arrive promptly at seven, and leave at three thirty, you are required to come Monday through Friday and if you dare to not show up, you will be refered to as a slacker, and some form of punishment will be in store for you.’ Next they developed tests to make sure that what went in one ear didn’t slip out the other. In time, they stuck a physical education class in with the other 10 classes already being taken; to make sure students stay fit. Is this because school suddenly started taking up so much time that students couldn’t find time to run around with their friends at home for fun and fitness? And how could I forget, seeing as our teachers now dictate our lives instead of our parents, they formed a system of sanctions, detentions, suspensions, and expulsions, and for good behavior: a merit, or a mere pat on the back. As if all of this isn’t enough, some authorities feel that students should appreciate their environment and add such decorations as fake, but very green grass and Chinese gardens. Alvin Toffler says, “In the year 2000 an illiterate person will not be someone who can't read or write, but someone who is not able to learn, unlearn and learn again.” Despite such good intentions and original purposes, times have changed!
Before we pick apart the deception of education, we must first decide what it is we are examining- and the irrelevancy of certain knowledge. Most of the subjects in school are divided into chapters or sections. The easiest and most straightforward system to make your way through school is to take notice of the essentials and forget the inessentials. For instance, while getting deeper into a “chapter,” keep asking yourself, ‘can I use this in my future? Is it relevant in my career or useful in raising children?’ Forget the inessentials that you don’t remember and lose marks for on the end-of-unit test. Why should students learn about the plate tectonics theory? The earth moves around. So? It sure doesn’t stop people from living there! It’s simply pointless to learn about! And of course, in English we like to look at some ‘techniques’ that poets use in their poems. Does this not assault writers’ space? In general, poets write to express how they feel or what they think about in their surroundings. Why should students dissect each and every word as if the poem were a frog? In 1980, small boys learnt about the slide rule and the log table in the subject of maths. They spent three weeks on this subject, and now, twenty-five years later, such a thing has ceased to be studied; these utensils are unheard of.
An education may be for the best, but it can have a considerably negative consequence that happens ‘behind the scenes’. Agatha Christie once said, “I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays, and have things arranged for them, that they seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas.” Not only have we been taught science, reading, and math, but also to not disagree with our superiors- at least those who are teachers. Our professors teach us all the nonsense in the world, give facts and show evidence on the truth of that certain issue, and then quiz us on this extremely vital topic. Result: we believe it. Of course we can’t assume that all students believe everything they hear. Some rubbish is just too hard to manage. In the words of Robert Frost, “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper.” Are we therefore preventing something, by trying to bring that very thing out, the intelligence in each child? The term ‘student’ refers to a child who is in the process of learning. And an education is supposed to make a student become brilliant. Yet if the education would leave the child alone, their brilliance would indeed come out. There is a brilliant child locked inside every student.
Some sort of understanding may be accurate, but unnecessary. For instance, the majority of people in the west make a living by simply working in factories. In Sumy, Ukraine, there are now some 150,000 persons engaged in the local industry from a population made up of 1,384,000 persons. Let’s not point out the obvious, but clearly the majority of people living in Sumy are unskilled workers in a factory. So we ask ourselves, did they essentially need 12 years of education to get this far in life? Surely they wasted their time!
Emma Goldman, unlike an everyday principal or teacher finds the true purpose of an education, "No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.” Thomas Armstrong joins in, “The newer and broader picture suggests that the child emerges into literacy by actively speaking, reading, and writing in the context of real life, not through filling out phonics worksheets or memorizing words.” Many logical people have found the true purpose of an education, it’s just a shame our own principals and teachers don’t have the common sense to see the same way.
Is there a solution? In our heads we picture the image of a man standing in his hole, digging. Soon it is so deep he can do nothing but keep digging. This is our situation. Authorities should try to do something about ‘education,’ what can they do? There are some small changes: perhaps limiting each subject to only one class per day or perhaps getting out of school earlier. But we have dug ourselves a hole so deep, there is no way out now.
Surely this piece of writing is one of many others that attack and criticize the system of an education. How else can I now communicate to you that everything once learned will soon be forgotten -within a mandatory environment? Plato declares, “Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
In the United States of America, high school kids often have a traditional party not long after the end of school. It is called a ‘book burning party’ simply because students toss into a bonfire all their annotations, notebooks and papers. Does this come near showing the amount of care students give to their understanding of information? You might tell me the reason they have tests is to make sure the data is in their heads, not on their papers, yet the majority of students frequently fail their tests. And how can this possibly be the only problem? What about learning how plants pollinate three years in a row? We can’t possibly ask a school to get their act together, because students change schools so regularly that it’s really no one’s fault. Yet it is still a problem and a waste of time.
To criticize an education completely is somewhat unreasonable when we will essentially need to know how to add and subtract, read and write, and solve certain problems in our future. Some aspects of an education are quite useful and practical, and we will of course need such basics but how can I refer to the entire education program as a treasure or a privilege? Ivan Illich observes, “...we have come to realize that for most men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school.” Indeed- we come to school by force not because we have a yearning desire to learn. Those who started out with bright ideas and good objectives have lost sight of their intentions. Their plan has failed.
Langauge coursework tasks
The most successful writing for this assignment often draws on personal experiences or interests. If you have experienced something unusual, have lived somewhere amazing or feel very strongly about a particular issue, then write about it.
A persuasive article about a topical issue
An account of a holiday
A personal reflection on the experience of living in more than one culture
An informative article about a sport or hobby
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007
Bellas Artes description by Andrea Islas
It stands majestically and gallantly enlightening the streets. The duchess of the City in all its glory. The Palace of Bellas Artes, the house of the arts. With an elegant air, an aw inspiring illusion emerges from the depths of a raging metropolis decorating Mexico City. The splendid, white marble, flawless façade has a French flavour and a feeling of Opera House in its impressive architecture. The magical, mythological horses guard the entry to an entirely different land from the madness of the fast moving town. Past the gardens, the splendid and exquisite sculptures welcome the visitors as they gaze upon the radiant faces entering the holy temple of all that is truly beautiful in life. The monumental, yet soft arches let you sense the power and glory of the past, the rich treasure of Mexican legacy and culture all around.
The sun reflecting domes glow as if they shone their own rays over the jungle of black grounds where cars and crowds crawl all over, under the blue skies contrasting with the yellow and orange of the suns below. They cast a spell on you and you cannot ever stop staring and sighting at the perfect jewels before your eyes where, the emblem of a great nation stands on top of.
Each step takes you closer and closer to the Palace Mexico is so proud of. Once inside, the white floorings blind you with their shine until you reach the theater inside and get your breath taken away by its might and miss a beat because of such vision.
As if illuminated by graceful candlelight, the walls contain sound bouncing up and down making the floors resound and tremble with rhythm like the beat of a heart. The high ceiling holds the Nine Greek Muses who smile down at the fervient followers of the greatest fruit of mankind and inspire the people within the room's Art Deco walls.
The red balconies have details of the purest Mexican style, nopals, maize and eagles, and the balconies' colour match the small, round chairs in where kings, heroes and presidents alike have sat. The extravagant contrast bewitches just as the fusion of the City itself.
But the most extraordinary work of art is the stage's unique curtain which dominates the room and steals glances from the excited, warm eyes racing to their seats before the show starts. The fancy, one-piece colourful crystal has the heart of Mexico City depicted carefully in it, the Volcanoes that make the enchanting valley where the most enormous capital of the world stands. The painting almost narrates with romantic verses the love story and ancient legend of those Mexican icons. The glossy detailing makes the curtain look as if the picture was moving to the pace of the rehearsing orchestra below. As the beauty begins to rise, the crystal glims and glimmers and the water of the lake next to the Volcanoes glints in its deep blue reflecting an imaginary moon. Then, the lights go out. Its begun.
domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2007
What motivates me.
My name is Rebeca Ruiz and what I would say that motivates me is dancing. I love to listen to music and to dance my head off! Hearing music really helps me relax and calm down, but dancing makes me forget of everything. Especially when I dance alone in my room (like crazy) it’s as if my brain disconnected from this world, I forget of all of my problems (or when I’m angry) and it makes me feel great. Music helps me concentrate and it helps me when I have to do a very boring homework.
Something else that motivates me is the support of my friends. They motivate me because I know that with them I can always have a lot of fun, but I also know that I can count on them when ever I need them and that they’ll be there. (And of course they know that I’ll be there when ever they need me.)
Also, I love traveling. I think it’s great because I learn new things & know different places and at the same I have a lot of fun. I really enjoy going to the beach because I love swimming in the sea and I adore lying in the sun & getting tanned.
This year in English I am really looking forward to do a lot of creative work; by creative work I mean work that uses figurative language and a lot of creative description. I really want to improve in this type of writing (work) and get a lot of “A+s” in English this year.
viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007
Maria Ortega: HOT PINK Mini Cooper S

Looking for something exciting, beautiful and modern at the same time? Something that is as stylish and as sexy as you are, well look no further.... Let me present the new HOT PINK Mini Cooper S, with acceleration from 0-100 km/h in 6.6 seconds and a top speed of 230 km/h, optimum weight distribution, more comfortable leather seats, and the best stereo system.
Its sporty, its cute, its sassy, its HOT, it will be your best accessory, everybody wants a piece of the phenomenon, be envied by everyone, take all of your friends in it, travel around the world, go everywhere you want NO LIMITS.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2007
Ale Garcia Pink Beatle DRAFT

Hey You!
Yeah you, looking at the screen!
I know you liked me, I mean just look at me, I am so HOT!
Don’t you think I’m sexy?
I can take you EVERYWHERE you want and remember your old car? You don’t have to be ashamed of it any more. I’ll be always here for you. I’m pink, I’m girly, I’m unique, and I’m original.
Be your friends envy by just doing the simple modesty of DRIVING!!!
I can turn into your best friend by clicking on the Best Friend button and I’ll hear every word you say, if you have got a problem just tell me and I can even give you some of my best Best Friend tips. If you are so ugly you think this car is just not good for you or you are ashamed of going into the streets that you have to put your Halloween mask that is prettier than your face just click the button Beauty and instantly you will look just like an Abercrombie Model.
I’m CUTE!!!
miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007
lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007
Best offer ever!!
Well, here you have the answer to this entire thing you’re fed up of. The ultimate, shiny, fast and glamorous car is now here for you, don’t loose opportunity! Don’t think it, just buy it NOW!
What?? Aren’t you sure of what you want, just have a look to this:

Don’t tell me, you don’t want this car, I now you want it, just look at it aren’t you dying to have this, for you, just for you?? Let’s have a look to some of this great, glamorous car by the inside:

OMG! Isn’t this GOURGOUS! This car can even talk to you! Can’t you hear it scream “buy me! Buy me now!” Come on; don’t think it more, it’s the opportunity of life! Today, only here, only for you, the best offer! Don’t loose opportunity, let life talk good about you and your new car!
Contact us at: 55-00-00-55 and just tell us you buy it! Sure you’ll get home a happy as you’ve never been before! And you’ll put a BIG simile to all your family members! It’s that what you want? Be happy, Buy it NOW! You now you want it!
So cheap, so nice, so shiny…just today, just now, just contact us at: www.minicooperbestoffer.com.mx or 55-00-00-55/54 and make your family and life as happy as you like them to be!
domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007
alex cardini-lamborghini murcielago

It cost a wopping price is US$289,000.00 which is US$ 90,000 more than its smaller sibling, the Lamborghini gallardo, its engine is 6.2L V12, of 3.8 miles per hour and a power of 572 bhp. Its name comes from a bull who survived 24 sword strokes in an 1879 fight at the arena of Córdoba and went on to sire a line of famous fighting bulls.It also has a rear spoiler that can be raised to an angle of 70 degrees, side mirrors that fold in to improve aerodynamics, and side scoops that automatically open to the needed size to let in just the right amount of air needed to cool its engine, n 2006 the Murciélago engine was replaced by a stronger 6.5-liter engine and the car's name was changed . For the 2007 model year Lamborghini did the same with the roadster model.
Sofia Lara-table description
Are you looking for a table?
Don’t worry!!
It’s obvious you are looking for something quite normal, why bother? I mean if you had the chance to choose between something beautiful and completely your style or something lame and normal, we’re asking you now, what would you choose? We think you know the answer. Of course you would go for the beautiful table. All you have to do is call 912*get a table and simply ask for it.
Imagine having a table that includes all different kinds of materials, colors, CD’s, music, food, candies, a computer, paper, magazines, Abercrombie models phone numbers, victoria’s secrets models phone numbers, pictures, fun body accessories, toys, dolls, skate boards, video games, action toys, movies, tv’s and well…ok we think you get the picture, just tell us what you want us to include and you’ll have it, it’s not even a matter of time, it will arrive before you can say table!!
Just think that your room will be decorated forever!! Just think that you can ask for any color, size, material (from wood to cotton candy), or even metal and have a comfy, hard or soft table, YOU NAME IT!!
You maybe are thinking is this going to be worth a fortune, well the answer is NO. This fabulous table is only worth 100 bucks!!
Remember call now for free to : 912*get a table and 100% joy is guaranteed!
By: Sofia Lara
Are you looking for a table?
Don’t worry!!
It’s obvious you are looking for something quite normal, why bother? I mean if you had the chance to choose between something beautiful and completely your style or something lame and normal, we’re asking you now, what would you choose? We think you know the answer. Of course you would go for the beautiful table. All you have to do is call 912*get a table and simply ask for it.
Imagine having a table that includes all different kinds of materials, colors, CD’s, music, food, candies, a computer, paper, magazines, Abercrombie models phone numbers, victoria’s secrets models phone numbers, pictures, fun body accessories, toys, dolls, skate boards, video games, action toys, movies, tv’s and well…ok we think you get the picture, just tell us what you want us to include and you’ll have it, it’s not even a matter of time, it will arrive before you can say table!!
Just think that your room will be decorated forever!! Just think that you can ask for any color, size, material (from wood to cotton candy), or even metal and have a comfy, hard or soft table, YOU NAME IT!!
You maybe are thinking is this going to be worth a fortune, well the answer is NO. This fabulous table is only worth 100 bucks!!
Remember call now for free to : 912*get a table and 100% joy is guaranteed!
By: Sofia Lara
Sofia's Mercedes Mc Laren description
This is a phenomenal, pure crystal car!
This is a dominating adventurous bullet that will bring sunshine to your every day!
The new Mercedes Mc Laren will be your precious jewel, it runs as fast as a furious lion searching for it’s pray, while riding this high-tech beauty, the only thing you’ll feel is thunder, yes thunder!, this stunning hero will make you the star of the show!
You will feel intelligent, stylish and beautiful with this silver moon.
This rapid sparrow will become your sexy hero while it reaches the stars, it will touch your heart, yes, it will be the start of something new!
Have you ever wondered how great people all around the world will see you? Well besides them looking at you even better than Bill Gates himself, or a great supermodel, or James Bond, the truth is you will you instantly become a great celebrity with this stylish brand, but you will also know how it feels like to be one of those people that can rapidly travel the world with their really precious rocket. It won’t be a dream, it will be reality!!
This astonishing sharky mouth automobile is everything you’ve ever wished for. For the first time, a space ship has been turned into a car. For the first time, a masterpiece has been successfully finished to come out and rule the world. For the first time, you will feel protected by this intellectually powerful vault.
Do you ever feel like you are inaudible? The new Mercedes Mc Laren will not only make people hear you, but it will also make them want to see you, smell you, smile at you, great you wherever you go, all you problems will eventually be solved, you will sooner be shinier than the sun itself.
With this vehicles’ slim body shape, and with it’s slight curves that make you noticeable, but at the same time discrete, and with this cars’ sharp eagles eyes, you will turn into the king of the world.
For the first time Mercedes has been able to create a beauty, surrounded by mirrors, the moon surrounded by stars, that’s right this car will make you shine, it will be your stars when you are down, and your mirrors when you’re lonely. This new, metallic jewel will change your life.
By: Ana Sofia Lara.
Enzo Ferrari (Luis)
Hello everyone today I´m going to tell you about the Enzo Ferrari.
This amazing car was named after mr Ferrari and its clearly an
italian monument.
This is a car of dreams and its a car that almost maches with a
F1 car.
This car is for racing or car lovers because its an extreem car.
this car ges to 100km/hr in 3.65 seconds and its maximum velocity
of 350km/hr. This car is realy expensive and there are only 399 cars
in the hole world
because they stoped making them so if you have one you are great.
This car is made for only 2 passangers and and there is no space for
more because it only has two sits. This cars were made between the
2002 and 2004.
This car is one of he most amazing and expensive cars of all the world.
This car is perfect and its a car that only millioners have.
It is exclusive and sexy and if you go on it on a tour in the city
I assure you will have lots of chiks wanting to come with you and
you would
become popular and respected by everyone in your city or where
you are.
This car is not just speed but it also have a great dessign and everything. So if you are looking for a great car that gives you chiks,
respect and popularity, well this is the car!
Luis selling a table
This amazing table has a cost of $40.99 but if you call now to 55389346 table and chimps we will sell it at $30.99. CALL NOW!!!!!!!
viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007
Bugatti : by dania gomez
Wanna go faster?
Wanna have a crazy chance and have the time of your life?
Well…. Feel the exhilarating excitement of adventure on the new bugatti veyron which will take you on the ride of your life! And you get to do most incredible it in two amazing colors!
Dangerous and furious RED and dark and mysterious BLACK.
Everything that’s been missing in you’re life, now can be fulfilled.
With impressive acceleration capacity, and an total security system. These are the fabulous elements of this superb, magnificent and astonishing sports car!
Trust us well never forget the experience, GO FOR IT!
jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2007
Andrea Mariana Islas-Selling a Ferrari Fiorano... to a girl.

The most desirable object a femme fatale can posses. Curvatious, slim, smooth and sexy, this piece of irresistible and stylish design will become your favourite accesory. Chic, beautiful, impressive and exclusive, the Ferrari Fiorano is an engeneering jewel for the bold, charming, gorgeous and atractive woman you are. Enjoy the luxury, dare to live the glamorous lifestyle of a wordly, breathtaking role model. Experience the exclusivity, the pure pleasure of its perfection, the fashion extravaganza. Set the example with the most envyed, most limited and fanciest piece of haute couture, for this is not just some car, it is an icon for the flirty, popular and trendy star. Transform yourself into the woman you want to be, make your wildest dreams come true. Love the idilic status, party all night, glow, dazzle, be extraordinary, be delicious with the exhilarating Ferrari Fiorano. Be desired, be la piu bella! Your most precious possesion, your perfect outfit, your Ferrari Fiorano. As irresistible as you are.
So, think its effective enough for a girl to buy it?
The Invisible Table!!!! Santiago Muñoz! (Carlo's table sucks!!)
This table is the only one who talks to you when you are bored.This table can also transform into a flying carpet so you can fly across the world it’s also faster than any airline.This table can help you do your homework!!! This table is smart as Albert Einstein!! As hard as a rock but its also very comfortable when you want to sleep in it.Buy this table before it’s too expensive!! If you buy it know you get a free invisible chair!!
Lamborghini Gallardo-Santiago Muñooz

Raul Vallejo, A car better than arturos (:

This car is sophisticated, this car is exotic, this car is unique, this car is pimped. It’s smooth for soft drivin’, it’s powerful to show off, it’s purely passionate on the road. It swiftly glides through the streets screaming through it’s high tech engine. It beams light through your eyes as it slides past you. It’s chrome burning paint will light up your world. But be careful because loads of chicks will chase you, who knows which one will be the unfortunate; I mean lucky one. German, it has NO top speed, it’s the new generation of the new generation. Practically impossible to dominate, this phenomenal ride will vanquish before your eyes. Slicing the wind, it’s razor fast speed will blind you, screeching through, it’s powerful engine’s roar will leave you deaf and lighting up, it’s incredible looks will mute you. This isn’t a car, cars are for ordinary people, this is far more than that, it is made for the road, cars are made for people, no machine reaches the level of this one. It’s better than the Cayenne, better than the Bugati, better than the Enzo, better than the Murcielago, better than the Mini, but not better than waffles. It’s a Porsche, a Porsche Carrera.
It is light, technologic, electronic, attractive, powerfull, and very... very very fast indeed... This is the fastest street legal car in the whole world.
Why spend all of your money in a boring house, when you can buy this fancy, fast and furious piece of heaven??? I bet you can't even imagine how much this beauty will cost in twenty more years. This car is amazing, and its engine will roar as loud as your heart will when you step behind the steering wheeland step on the accelerator. It's so hard to describe it... it's uncontrolable, unpredictable and if you ever get to its top speed, you'll also consider it invisible!!! No car can reach it, no car can be compared to it and no car is as good as this one is... So save up for it, and you'll never regret it...
Hello boys and girls, for today's "Describe A Table Late Night Show", I will describe and try to sell a table the way I´ve always done and always will...
So this table ain´t no normal table, this table is made up of an innovative fake piece of white wood!!! It´s perfect emo people, babies, baby chimps, breakdancers, baby chimp breakdancers, baby chimp breakdancers and baby emo chimp breakdancers.
If you call in the next .5 seconds, you'll receive a brand-new type of table, it will replace the standard table, but who cares!?! On this table, you'll be able to fold your MC Hammer Parachutte pants in a way you have never done and never will in case you don't buy my table!!! PLUS, if you give me an extra pair of socks... i mean... If you give me an extra pair of bucks, I'll open you up and insert a micro-chip which will kindly give you an almost lethal shock in whenever you think of buying one of Patricio's table!!!
Call now, because you can cook bacon, bake cookies, cut your veins, eat sugar, dance on it, hump it, spank your parents, and the best thing of all is that you can hit Patricio in the head with it!!! So call now and get it for only $30,000! Having fun with a table has never been so much fun. So buy my table, and remember: I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007
Porche Cayenne by Carlo
Are you ready for the greatest of S.U.V.s? Wouldn't you rather purchase something worth buying and not spending on something that can only acheive nothing compared to what we're about to describe you when you could invest on making all or your many wishes come true?
I compete with all the German car companies but top them by far. Beating the ML500 from Mercedes with its luxurious features.
The X5 from BMW with its modern design.
The Touareg from Volkswagen with its 4x4 power.
The Q7 from Audi with its comfort capacity and others with impressive technical specifications.
Putting them all together you wouldn't reach any of the standards this exclusive SUV has, the new 2008 model which has improved it's composition, cosiness, and compatability beats them all by a lot it will never fail to please your wants.
Have you not encountered a car that will take you through any terrain without any trouble?
This mean machine offers you top speed and a big space, so...
Research no more you have just found the SUV that you can't let go for when you choose Porsche you'll notice
By Carlo Sanabria
Be prepared for the best built ever car. An ultimate dream. Like a dazzling jewl, I am metalic and radiant. Marvellous.
This exclusive car has height tech and a powerful motor that makes it invinsible. It is a greate, adveturous, pretty modern car.
It has a gorgeous slim mouth that sings along with the trafic while you chill out listening to it. It makes you feel confortable, not stressed out like everyone else stuck in the trafic. Instead, this beautiful car makes you feel great having all loocks on you because people want to know who owns that special car.
IT would be your mate, your soul, so if you want to have the attention of a cute guy or ladie, this car is perfest for you. All you have to do is drive his/her way and , dont worry about anything else, the car would do the rest.
Invinsible. Under control. Pretty. Can this things really be mixed? In this fenomenal car, everything can happen, so yes, all this things and much more are in this lovely star.
Call now, we promise you, you will identify with it, just like if the car was your tween soul.
Just for this offert, you will receive a totally leather seats so they wont damage and will look pretteyon them.
Call right now!!!! dont miss this grate offert.
Bugati Veyron 16.4 Santiago Zabalgoitia

The all-new Bugati Veyron is like a fire dragon in constant breath. It swallows in 15 seconds what you breath in a month. This is the fastest street legal car. Its smooth body, hips and low level curves allow you to reach top speeds. It has such a dynamic you can cut air like a samurai sword cuts wet Bible paper. The car consists of a seven gear ratio and can reach a speed of 407 kph thanks to its 1001 horsepower. Faster than a cheetah the Bugati Veyron was designed to use its fuel at 100% efficiency lasting 15 seconds at a constant top speed.
This car has such amazing top speed we just had to put the interior at the same level just for you. The two seats have a special system to adapt your body and give you the best comfort in high speeds. Knowing that someone might steal your car we put the high-speed mode option in you key. If stolen the thief cannot make the car reach its highest levels without that key. The steering wheel has the gear change incorporated so you change gear without having to take your right hand off of it. As you know this cars interior was based on the 20s and 30s. The dials show the horse powers used, the speed and the gas plus it has 2 screens one for the car status: the speed status, the grip, the hour, the temperature, the weather, the engine heat, the wheel heat and others. The other one is for music, air conditioning, settings and others.
This car has such excellent quality you just have to get it. If you are the type of guy who likes speed good quality and excellence you just have to get it. This car can make a bald anti social hobo look with such perfection and charisma people will think he is a star. So think of this the next time you want to buy a car, Bugati Veyron 16.4 is out there and you know you want it.