lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

Alexander Espinosa Thompson DRAFT

I'm really motivated by the thought of this year in English. I think it's going to be a big change but a good change because of all the different stuff we're gonna be doing and learning in 10B English. I'm motivated by things like this Thompson blog because it's innovative, interactive and fun. I want to get good grades in English.

What am I going to do in the future? That’s one question I’ve asked myself a few times in the past. What should I do with myself once I escape from school? That big question of everything beyond school, the future basically. Some people will say, “Well that’s four years from now, just shut up and play some more videogames,” but I don’t think you can be too prepared, can you? I’m not saying I’m going to perfectly jot down my future down to the days, but something, a rough idea I mean.
The first thing you’ve gotta think about I guess is jobs no matter how sick and cruel that sounds. To find an idea of your future profession you probably have to search “deep within your soul” AND take a glance at your grades. Maybe think about college. Once again, you might say I’m going too fast but if you look north of the border in the US kids our age are already killing themselves with ten hours of homework daily and hellish extracurricular activities in order to get their place in a good university. I say this is way too extreme at too early an age, but if you think about how many kids could be going crazy about this you might then think it WOULDN’T be a bad idea to think about jobs and college, would it?
It may seem selfish but when I grow up I want to have MONEY. Let me rephrase that with some fancy language I take Economics to learn, I want to have the “resources” for my “needs” and “wants”. By that I don’t mean I expect to live in a huge mansion like Bill Gates but on the other hand I don’t want to live in a cardboard box behind a supermarket like a hobo. I want the money to buy whatever new videogame just came out, to buy some groceries; well I guess I mean to buy WHATEVER within limits of course. This brings me back to the job dilemma. I had once considered one of my future job options something to do with English, and I still do. A writer, a journalist, anything besides a teacher. The only problem with that is the money, at least in the case of the writer. You could get lucky like J.K. Rowling and become richer than the Queen or your books could get ignored and you could dawdle in obscurity like…some author we’ve never heard of. See what I mean? I do enjoy creative writing though; maybe it could be my hobby alongside video games in the future. Ah, videogames. That is one thing I see myself definitely doing in the future. I don’t care if it is 10 years or 50 years, I can pretty much assure you I’ll still find the time to game. No matter what my wife, my parents, my roommate, anyone tells me. At least something in my future is safe.
After careful deliberation about the college subject, I’ve decided it might be too early to start saying “Oh, I’m going here” for any specific college. Who knows what the future holds? Same thing on the job problem, it is still four years from now PLUS college. Hundreds of thousands of thing could happen in that time span, possibly changing my mind completely about any number of things. What I can say is I hope to do something I honestly enjoy. I don’t want to be a business man working 9-8 every day. That would be just too boring. I can’t really hope anything too definite for myself in the future, all I really do hope is I’ll be as happy and have as many friends as I do now.

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