Carlo is my name not like many others who have confused me with CARLOS sometime in the past, which as you know is not my name. Well I’ve wrote about the greater ambitions I plan to accomplish sometime between today and the far far future or maybe not that long but…well I might talk about it later but for now I would like to give a brief description of my personality in a few words; I criticize a lot (you’ve been warned) and I’m not as calm as some people might have tagged me by but as strange as it may sound this has nothing to do with what’s coming next…my ambitions and what I’ve previously mentioned has got absolutely nothing to do with what’s next so WHY did I write it??? I think just to introduce myself although that wasn’t very bright because all of you already know me by at least more than a year.
Let me start with what I call the “Biggest” ambition and it consists of having a greater education than the people I’d be competing with after graduation and for me to be very brainy on the subject I choose to take, so if I do get that dream of mine I’ll be able to reach the next goal which is to be extremely rich from the pay roll I get for doing what I love the most (I’m a little confused myself, I don’t know what I dream of being in the future!!!) so this goal will be accomplished sometime in the 2000s and I’ll get my next desire after finishing the previous one above and this will be getting anything which is material and although the thing I like the most isn’t money I do cherish buying stuff and I prize going on trips abroad. Although I really don’t seek to be on the top ten list of richest men in the world (which might even be great) I would be delighted if I could have enough money for myself and those I care about. Know that I come to think of it what I desire the most is to find out what I want to be as a grown up because if I realize that what I want the most is to be a hobo (which I find least likely) I wouldn’t be needing education to walk around the street with ragged cloths, a box of chewing gum and a hand out for money to come as I sell it. I think that it would be an easy way to go for but I’d like to have a more challenging path to which I’ll be succeeding the goals above. The last but not least is to prove myself that I can do whatever I want whenever I feel up to it, by the time I can reach that aspiration I’d have finished all the other ones and I know that I can make it happen because I really want it to and so if I didn’t I wouldn’t be telling you this. Even though I won’t get it done in short laps of time I will eventually and when I do I’ll recall the time when I did these piece of work and I’d think to myself, “What did I say I did what I hungered the most and those were my keenness accomplished after all this time and at long last were accomplished by me!!!”. By the time I’d succeeded I’d remembered who and what helped me carry out what I started and what I will be performing in the future that are my life achievements and because its likely I’ll remember the class I’m in now since; I feel my guess is correct that you would have helped in one way or another. So what better way to achieve those tasks than by concluding smaller ones that in the end would take me to succeed on the greater ones? So those are my ambitions, aspirations, desires, goals, etc. I am really looking forward to grasp what I deserve after such hard work.
1 comentario:
I'm Carlo from 10B and what I'm looking forward this year is getting the best grades and completing all my work up to higher standards.
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