Do you really know what your passion is?
Do you really wake up each morning wanting to do the thing you love?
I was stuck with this English speech of mine. I sat there for hours thinking of basically... nothing, I couldn’t get my brain to think, I said to myself: “What am I doing!”, I couldn’t sit there for basically three hours without writing….It was self torture, my brain was beginning to melt. I thought, and thought, and really nothing came into my head, I simply couldn’t write!
(Please believe that writing has always been easy for me but there are moments when you really need motivation.)
Well I got tired, I just started to click my computer mouse like crazy, I checked my e-mail, I went on to Hi5, and even onto You Tube, my brain had literally disappeared.
Another half an hour went by and I opened i tunes, it was a miracle!! Suddenly reason came back to me, color, light, words, sight, touch, I was back! Yes music is the reason I actually live music is my passion. I can’t picture myself without it.
Every day since I was a little girl my father used to sing with me country music, pop, musicals, basically I showed him whichever song I wanted to and he would play it for me, I would always sing along.
Time went by and I realized I couldn’t actually listen to songs I knew without struggling to not sing along, I just had too.
There was this time in my life when I used to think what was the the thing I loved, but believe it or not, no matter how much you think, no matter how much you seek, this star will always be there deep inside you. So if you think for a minute, it’s really not that hard to find it’s always there with you.
So literally speaking without my music I would not be happy, I would cry like the isolated rain drops on a sunny day.
It’s really funny to see how every person is destined for something, and I’m not saying that’s what we have to be or do when we grow up, but honestly think….What is it that you love? Could you really be the person you are now without that?
Ok maybe you think I’ve gotten to deep with this, or maybe I just broke the inspiration you were having( if that’s the case I’m sorry ), but you see sometimes in life you have to say and talk about the things you love, you just need to raise your voice!!!! It’s really true. To be honest I kind of needed to write about this, I even got to know myself better. When I say I am truly passionate about singing and music, believe it or not it’s true. Let me tell you how not only in my childhood,maybe I still am in my childhood but also right now, I’ve had the amazing gift to be able to do what I propose myself to do, but not only that, also I’ve been able to do whatever I love to do in many different ways. You know I love to sing, and I sing in my room, in my house, in my car, with my friends, and this is a wonderful thing, but being able to experiment different aspects about your passion, that’s what really counts. You maybe want to know how.
Ok I’ve sung in public evenings(including school ones like the French evening), in family and friend reunions, and I plan to do all this over and over again. I plan to be in different plays, and musicals, and everything involved with me being able to do what I love to do, music, because if I know one thing, it’s, fighting and always doing your best to complete what you are most passionate about.
And remember, your passion will always be in your heart, and in your day to day actions. JUST FOLLOW YOUR HEART!!
By: Ana Sofia Lara Hofmann.
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This year I want to take a challenge in everything I do so I achieve better grades and better knowledge of everything
Are you looking for a table?
Don’t worry!!
It’s obvious you are looking for something quite normal, why bother? I mean if you had the chance to choose between something beautiful and completely your style or something lame and normal, we’re asking you now, what would you choose? We think you know the answer. Of course you would go for the beautiful table. All you have to do is call 912*get a table and simply ask for it.
Imagine having a table that includes all different kinds of materials, colors, CD’s, music, food, candies, a computer, paper, magazines, Abercrombie models phone numbers, Victoria’s secrets models phone numbers, pictures, fun body accessories, toys, dolls, skate boards, video games, action toys, movies, tv’s and well…ok we think you get the picture, just tell us what you want us to include and you’ll have it, it’s not even a matter of time, it will arrive before you can say table!!
Just think that your room will be decorated forever!! Just think that you can ask for any color, size, material (from wood to cotton candy), or even metal and have a comfy, hard or soft table, YOU NAME IT!!
You maybe are thinking is this going to be worth a fortune, well the answer is NO. This fabulous table is only worth 100 bucks!!
Remember call now for free to : 912*get a table and 100% joy is guaranteed!
By: Sofia Lara
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