Simple question, hard answer. ill tell you what motivates me, is not what you think though,not money, I believe in destiny...
A boy was born in the field, travelling with football in his heart, outcoming goalkeeper, growed in the game, playing until the end of the day,believing in a future to come. This child is me, ad now he sees his future right ahead as his hisory has been started to be written. Only keeping in his head" of all games and players only one makes history". The passion lies deep inside. becoming our one common language, all the crow roaring and cheering,the trill of holding your breath waiting for the moment...
The football motivates me, makes my skin feel goosebumbs whn im looking at it,now i hope this hyperlink works it is to a video that motivates me.
video When i play football i feel as I was living and letting me pass by, not time...
This is my first ambition, to be a football player,
The second one is somthing cildish, i enjoy playing computer games, just as runescape, age of empires, age of mithology and that kind of stuff, runescae is my favorite, you create yyour wn character and train it for wars and other multiple skills. If anyone would like to play i have a lot of accounts to give free that are already a bit advanced, well I like this games when i cant play football or do my english homework...
Well i like other videogames such as wii, gamecube and playstation 2, from playstation the game i most enoy is gta(grand theft auto) san andreas, from the gamecube i play a lot of FIFA07 and on wii i play a lot of games, firstly id like to note I like doing kid stuff somethimes, i enjoy this because it makes me remember good memories, and make me kind of live them again, like if i was there, but this time havin a good life.
My third ambition is my studies(believe it or not)...
I like studying because it makes me feel I have kind of a job, it makes me feel good to get good grades and make my parents happy(giving good rewards alsoonce when i was 7 year old i wanted to have a farm(i didnt know all the jobs you get when you need to mantain it) i got good grades and my parents gave me a chicken, some fish and two turtles, i loved everything but it was such a hard job, i really got sad when my first turtle died =,(, well returning to motivaton i like doing this kind of things because i feel i own something.
My fourth ambition is investing (or money call it whateer you like)...
Well i think everyone wants to have a good money on their life, and what i just love from money is ivesting it or expending it, actualy i get my own money, my mom dosnt give me money at all( well someimes she does but i rather not mention it). I always sell stuff and buying new one, to get more money. This makes me feel good and makes me think i do things my one, although i sometimes get help =).
My fifth ambition is basketball, i dont know if i would like to be a professional, but certainly i love playing it, it makes me release my energy in a healthy way and makes me feel tall...